Friday, September 17, 2010

Empowerment tip #3: empower yourself ENVIRONMENTALLY by practicing sustainability.

While we’re on the topic of Outdoor Pursuits this week, it seems appropriate for a tip that helps the environment.

Recycling seems like such a hassle, but lately I can’t stand the amount of paper I throw away.

I talked to Michael Maningas of Campus Rec Outdoor Pursuits, and asked him what he thought.

“You have to believe that you as an individual can make a difference. It’s the collective one persons that can make an impact,” said Maningas.

What he said made a lot of sense. If everyone has the attitude that they can’t make a difference, than no one ever will.

He recently put a recycle box in the OP office, and is working on getting them other places in the Rec.

Nacogdoches discontinued its recycling program about a year ago, because only around 20 percent of the people participated. It was curbside pick up, but now people actually have to drive to the landfill off Stallings Road if they want to recycle. Imagine if more people had participated!

As stated on the website ( Nacogdoches does offer alternative ways to recycle since the Blue Bag program was discontinued. Listed on the home page are recyclable materials and what to do to properly dispose of them. It’s clear from the website that Nacogdoches is not ignoring this issue.

Maningas makes an individual commitment to drive to the landfill with his family every week.

Besides recycling Outdoor Pursuits also promotes these tips:

• Turn off lights when leaving for more than five minutes

• Use a travel mug instead of disposable cups

• Use e-mail instead of paper

• Turn computer off at night

So make a personal effort to empower yourself environmentally. Little things go a long way.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

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