Thursday, September 9, 2010

Empowerment tip #2: empower yourself PHYSICALLY by stepping it out!

Yesterday, my boss, Liz Ross, and I were talking about this week’s empowerment tip. We decided it would be great if we could challenge ourselves, as well as you, to something that would help us empower ourselves physically. So, we decided to make a month of this tip. We’re calling it the September Step It Out Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to wear pedometers that count our steps while making a conscious effort to increase the number we take. We will do this by parking in the farthest parking spots, taking stairs instead of elevators, etc. We also got Promotions Graduate Assistant, Kati Van Dunk, in on the challenge.

We get that you’re busy and that is precisely why you should take this challenge with us. All it requires is a few minor tweaks in your daily routine. Pedometers can be purchased at Wal-Mart for about $20. It’s fun wearing one and seeing the results!

Yesterday, I took 4,879 steps. My goal is to challenge myself to increase the number of steps I take each day. Experts say a person should average 10,000 steps a day. Ten thousand! This might be tougher than we thought…but hey, Promotions is game.

During the month, I hope to form habits that I will continue even when the challenge is over. That way, when I can’t find time in my crazy schedule to workout, I can count on my steps to keep me healthy. Physical health is not something I should keep putting off to the side when I get stressed.

This morning I was pleased to see Liz and Kati’s lonely cars parked at the very end of Rec Center staff parking. We are stepping it out and so should you! Throughout the month I will let you know how we are doing. If you see us around feel free to ask us how it’s going, or let us know how you are doing!

Watch this short video of Kati, Liz, and I after we decided to step it out yesterday.

Have a great weekend and remember to step it out!

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

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