Thursday, September 30, 2010

Go see the Rec for a free nutrition assesment!

Greetings! I hope you all have had a strong, successful start to the semester. I on the other hand have had some complications, but I’m getting back on track. One thing that’s been slacking is my diet. It seems that in my world only two food groups exist, namely, carbohydrates, and caffeine. I need the carbs to fill me up, and the coffee to keep me going! Ok that was a joke. I can’t possibly justify poor eating habits while working at a Rec Center!

The Step it Out Challenge got me thinking. If I’m going to walk 10,000 steps a day, I may as well tweak my eating habits to match.

But with a track record of food choices as bad as mine, I knew I needed to seek professional help. That’s when I met SFA Human Sciences Intern, Timothy Coleman. Part of Coleman’s internship is to work for Campus Rec Wellness as a nutritionist.

I filled out a basic assessment form and waited anxiously as Coleman calculated the results. He informed me that in order to to maintain my current weight, I need around 2,400 calories a day. I told him I have no idea how many calories I typically intake, and he smiled and handed me a piece of paper. On one side it’s a form for me to write down what I eat throughout the day, and on the other it’s a food fact sheet. And just like that, with one double-sided sheet of paper in hand, I was out of excuses!

“I compare it to managing money,” Coleman said. “If there’s something you are having a hard time managing, writing it down will help.”

I hate to say it, but he’s right. If I make an imaginary to-do list, some stuff on it may get done. If I make a real life list, everything will get done. Simple as that. I guess we as human beings like to cross things out. It’s sort of a small sense of achievement.

Coleman then opened the floor for questions. I was born curious, so he was lucky I had somewhere to be shortly after our appointment. He explained to me that it’s worth spending time on the weekends planning meals, and that I should start by making small changes. For example, I hate fruit. It just doesn’t strike my fancy. And I don’t like smoothies because if I don’t want to eat fruit, do you really think I want to drink it? Coleman’s solution was to add some 100% fruit juice to my diet. I like juice.

Coleman is available Tuesday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. for appointments. I haven’t even told you the best part yet. The first assessment is FREE! If you like his nutritional guidance as much as I did you can continue to see him for more personalized nutrition counseling sessions. He will even help you build a customized diet, and talk with you about finding solutions to specific nutritional problems.

To make an appointment, call the Rec Center at 936-468-3507 or stop by the Admin Office.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Friday, September 24, 2010

Empowerment Tip #4: Empower yourself INTELLECTUALLY by practicing good time management.

OK, I know this can be difficult. You want to enjoy your time in college, and do as much as you can but still make good grades, right? It can be done.

The first step is eliminating procrastination. I know you’ve heard this 1,000 times, but it really works! Make a list and number things according to priority.

SFA’s library offers a tutoring program located on the first floor called the AARC. At the beginning of each semester, you can sign up for a one on one tutor in a class you anticipate you will need help with. Even when those spots fill up, it’s not too late. The AARC is sectioned off into subject areas with several tutors for each. No appointment necessary. The walk-in hours are as follows:

(provided by the SFA Business Honor Society)

Tuesday, Wednesday 1:00 - 3:00pm


Sunday - Thursday 5:00 - 8:00pm

Computer Science

CSC 101,102 McGee Computer LabMonday - Thursday 5:30 - 8:00pm


Monday, Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00pm


Language LabMonday - Thursday 5:00 - 6:00pm


Monday - Thursday 1:00 - 8:00pmSunday 4:00 - 8:00pm


Tuesday - Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00pm


Monday - Thursday 6:00 - 8:00pm

Writing & English

Monday - Thursday 1:00 - 8:00pmSunday 4:00 - 8:00pm

American Sign Language

Monday, Wednesday 3:00 - 5:00pmTuesday 4:00 - 5:00pm

Visit there website at for more information.

Also, if your class offers an SI group, GO TO IT! The biggest mistake you can make when learning to manage your time and limit stress is to be OK with not understanding something. Actively seek answers to your questions. Don’t be afraid to sit in the front of the class and show the professor that you care. Remember, this is college, and smart is cool now.

As always don’t forget to get exercise at Campus Rec. I know you probably have so much to do that even thinking about going to the gym seems out of the question, but physical activity will reduce your stress level! Try a study break with a friend and take a group exercise class. The two of you will laugh while working out (both of which build endorphins) and come out of the class feeling rejuvenated and ready to hit the books again. The group exercise schedule is on our website at

I have never felt worse than when I let things pile up, so I hope you will consider taking my advice!

Also, due to scheduling issues, I will now post on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS instead of Tuesdays and Thursdays.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Parents Weekend at SFA!

This weekend is Parents Weekend at SFA!

Parents Weekend gives you an opportunity to show family and friends your new life here at SFA. Even if you have been here for a while, it’s always nice to see the rents. For me, it’s a comfort and reminder of a simpler time.

When I was a freshman my mom came up to see me. Truthfully, I was just getting to know the place and had no idea what to show her. BUT it was an especially exciting Parents Weekend that year because the Rec Center was to be unveiled for the first time. I still remember everyone’s eyes (myself included) getting wider as they began to take in how nice our facility is.

This year, football is hosting Lamar at 6 p.m. for a special Purple Out game. SAA will be distributing 3,000 FREE t-shirts, first come first serve. The goal is to have the entire stadium decked out in purple!

Hopefully, Campus Rec has become a part of your life like it has mine, and you will want to show it off to the people closest to you. Even if you’ve never stepped into the Rec before, this weekend is a great time to start.

Women’s Soccer Sport Club is hosting a match, and would love spectators! Sport Clubs are also always open to new members, so coming to the games would be a great opportunity for you to talk to them.

The following weakened Ruby, Men’s Soccer AND Women’s Soccer have home games.

Schedule of events:

Saturday September, 25:

Women’s Soccer vs San Antonio College 3 p.m.

Saturday October, 2:

Women’s Soccer vs Lamar 1 p.m.

Rugby vs University of Houston 2 p.m.

Men’s Soccer vs Texas Tech 5 p.m.

Sunday October, 3:

Women’s Soccer vs UTA 1 p.m.

Men’s Soccer vs. A&M 3:00 p.m.

STEP IT OUT CHALLENGE UPDATE: Well, considering my car needs a new transmission I have given a new meaning to stepping it out this week. Just walking from home to campus is a little over a mile, so by the end of a car less day I finally have the recommended amount of steps! Yay for me, sad for my car.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Friday, September 17, 2010

Empowerment tip #3: empower yourself ENVIRONMENTALLY by practicing sustainability.

While we’re on the topic of Outdoor Pursuits this week, it seems appropriate for a tip that helps the environment.

Recycling seems like such a hassle, but lately I can’t stand the amount of paper I throw away.

I talked to Michael Maningas of Campus Rec Outdoor Pursuits, and asked him what he thought.

“You have to believe that you as an individual can make a difference. It’s the collective one persons that can make an impact,” said Maningas.

What he said made a lot of sense. If everyone has the attitude that they can’t make a difference, than no one ever will.

He recently put a recycle box in the OP office, and is working on getting them other places in the Rec.

Nacogdoches discontinued its recycling program about a year ago, because only around 20 percent of the people participated. It was curbside pick up, but now people actually have to drive to the landfill off Stallings Road if they want to recycle. Imagine if more people had participated!

As stated on the website ( Nacogdoches does offer alternative ways to recycle since the Blue Bag program was discontinued. Listed on the home page are recyclable materials and what to do to properly dispose of them. It’s clear from the website that Nacogdoches is not ignoring this issue.

Maningas makes an individual commitment to drive to the landfill with his family every week.

Besides recycling Outdoor Pursuits also promotes these tips:

• Turn off lights when leaving for more than five minutes

• Use a travel mug instead of disposable cups

• Use e-mail instead of paper

• Turn computer off at night

So make a personal effort to empower yourself environmentally. Little things go a long way.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let Outdoor Pursuits bring out the adventure in you!

Campus Rec’s Outdoor Pursuits program area wants you to have some adventure in your life and they have some events coming up, I think, you should know about.

Tomorrow from 5 p.m.- 7 p.m. at the Outdoor Center Rear Entrance, staff members will teach you how to slack line FOR FREE!

According to OP Assistant Director, Michael Maningas, it’s like tight rope walking. A one-inch flat tubular webbing will be used (not the thin rope you may be thinking of). Slack lines can hold well over 1,000 pounds.

Slack lining started as a way for rock climbers to improve their balance, but now people do it just for fun! As long as there are trees, you can set up a slack line just about anywhere.

OP promises to start you off slow, but as you get better there are always ways to make it more challenging, such as adding arm movements.

So check it out! It’s fun, free and adventurous!

If slack is not your favorite kind of line, how about zip?

From September 24- 26, OP will host Zip Lines and Waterfalls- a trip to Krause Springs outside of Austin.

Zip-lining sounds like an unbelievable experience. It allows you to have a bird’s eye view of the forest. Especially in this place, check out the picture I found online.

Originally developed as a form of scientific research on flora and fauna, zip-lining has come a long way. Just like with slack lining, people now zip line as a form of leisure activity.

“It’s a good way to relax the first couple of weeks into class,” said Maningas.

The trip costs $90, but that will take care of your expenses for all three days. The registration deadline is September 20, so hurry!

Also, OP has a program that allows non-Campus Rec members come along with active members on trips! So if you have a relative or friend from another school that wants to come, talk to OP staff about signing them up!

STEP IT OUT CHALLENGE UPDATE: As of today, my highest step count was last Friday. I racked in 7,897 steps! Big improvement, and much closer to the recommended 10,000. Kati’s highest came it at 11,007 after she played a soccer game on Sunday. Liz has gotten over 12,000 twice now. Way to go guys! I found out 2,000 steps equal a mile. That means when I get up to the recommended amount, I will be walking five miles a day! I also found out walking can have the same health benefits as running. For more information on the recommended 10,000 steps a day I found a helpful website:

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Empowerment tip #2: empower yourself PHYSICALLY by stepping it out!

Yesterday, my boss, Liz Ross, and I were talking about this week’s empowerment tip. We decided it would be great if we could challenge ourselves, as well as you, to something that would help us empower ourselves physically. So, we decided to make a month of this tip. We’re calling it the September Step It Out Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to wear pedometers that count our steps while making a conscious effort to increase the number we take. We will do this by parking in the farthest parking spots, taking stairs instead of elevators, etc. We also got Promotions Graduate Assistant, Kati Van Dunk, in on the challenge.

We get that you’re busy and that is precisely why you should take this challenge with us. All it requires is a few minor tweaks in your daily routine. Pedometers can be purchased at Wal-Mart for about $20. It’s fun wearing one and seeing the results!

Yesterday, I took 4,879 steps. My goal is to challenge myself to increase the number of steps I take each day. Experts say a person should average 10,000 steps a day. Ten thousand! This might be tougher than we thought…but hey, Promotions is game.

During the month, I hope to form habits that I will continue even when the challenge is over. That way, when I can’t find time in my crazy schedule to workout, I can count on my steps to keep me healthy. Physical health is not something I should keep putting off to the side when I get stressed.

This morning I was pleased to see Liz and Kati’s lonely cars parked at the very end of Rec Center staff parking. We are stepping it out and so should you! Throughout the month I will let you know how we are doing. If you see us around feel free to ask us how it’s going, or let us know how you are doing!

Watch this short video of Kati, Liz, and I after we decided to step it out yesterday.

Have a great weekend and remember to step it out!

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer Lovin' starts school off right!

Last week SAA and Campus Rec teamed up for an event that made me happy to be a Lumberjack.

Outside in the Campus Rec Courtyard Wednesday there was music, body art, a cartoon artist, games, and most notably food! I know what you’re thinking. How much did it cost? Everything was free! See why I’m happy to be a Lumberjack?

There was a lot going on, but the most popular thing to do was the three C’s: consume,chat and chill. Let me explain. After grabbing a burger or hotdog (or both in my case), people lined up to have their picture drawn by a cartoon

artist. The artist was seated under a shady tent crafting funny portraits with exaggerated features. People loved it!

Those who were looking for something a little less humorous walked over to the body art tablewhere they could pick from hundreds of tattoos. Rumor has it they will last for about two weeks. Kind of like henna, but more colorful!

There were also snow cones, popsicles, washers, and bounce houses.

The highlight of the day was the hula-hoop contest that more people participated in than the first impromptu Campus Rec hula-hoop contest back in

July. What’s up with that? Anyway, it

was great fun and the winner received a

huge bag of candy! And I do mean HUGE. I sure wish I had some of that right now.

Summer Lovin’ was a great way to unwind after struggling to get back into the routine of school. Thank you SAA and Campus Rec. I didn’t even have to cook or spend money that night.

Bummed you missed out? Don’t be! October 27 from 3 p.m.- 5 p.m. Campus Rec will yet again brighten your world with free stuff and a fun time. In the sprit of SFA homecoming come to the Courtyard and tie die a FREE shirt purple and red. Never tie died? We’ll show you how.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Friday, September 3, 2010

Empowerment Tip #1: reap the benefits of practicing good sportsmanship

These next two weeks Campus Rec Intramural Sports is coming at you with tons of different options! So, if you decide to participate in an IMS event here’s a tip: empower yourself SOCIALLY by practicing good sportsmanship.

I know the major sports tend to get pretty competitive, but take the time to think of the impression you are making on your competitors, the refs, spectators, and even your own teammates. People with good attitudes tend to be more liked than those who run around angry at the world if they don’t get their way. We want you to get into the game, but have some respect!

If you want to be looked at by your teammates as a leader, you must be the one to take the high road. When everyone gets riled up about a bad call try being the one to say, “it’s ok.” Others will respect you, and you may even get a thank you from the ref who made the disputed call. Remember their jobs aren’t easy. How would you feel if you were the most hated person in the room?

“Anytime someone yells at me I have to call my mom and cry for 30 minutes,” said, fourth year basketball and football ref, Alex Reed.

They may not all take it to that extreme, but poor treatment from players could definitely ruin a ref’s day.

Also remember to respect the opposing team. We get that you hate them in the context of an IMS match, but think of how cool you look not stooping to their level. We’re all Lumberjacks!

Practicing good teamwork can also help you out in the future when you graduate and are thrust into the work force. Co-workers and bosses are going to make decisions all the time that you don’t agree with and you will just have to deal with it! So you may as well start now.

I hate to revert back to kindergarten, but take this out of the context of sports. Good sportsmanship is treating others how you want to be treated. Try applying the same principals of conduct in a sports game to your daily life. You’ll feel better about yourself and most likely make more friends.

So, until next time take my word and use the golden rule!

Remember, we ARE CLOSED MONDAY for the holiday. Don't fret, we'll be back Tuesday with our regular hours!

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph