Friday, September 3, 2010

Empowerment Tip #1: reap the benefits of practicing good sportsmanship

These next two weeks Campus Rec Intramural Sports is coming at you with tons of different options! So, if you decide to participate in an IMS event here’s a tip: empower yourself SOCIALLY by practicing good sportsmanship.

I know the major sports tend to get pretty competitive, but take the time to think of the impression you are making on your competitors, the refs, spectators, and even your own teammates. People with good attitudes tend to be more liked than those who run around angry at the world if they don’t get their way. We want you to get into the game, but have some respect!

If you want to be looked at by your teammates as a leader, you must be the one to take the high road. When everyone gets riled up about a bad call try being the one to say, “it’s ok.” Others will respect you, and you may even get a thank you from the ref who made the disputed call. Remember their jobs aren’t easy. How would you feel if you were the most hated person in the room?

“Anytime someone yells at me I have to call my mom and cry for 30 minutes,” said, fourth year basketball and football ref, Alex Reed.

They may not all take it to that extreme, but poor treatment from players could definitely ruin a ref’s day.

Also remember to respect the opposing team. We get that you hate them in the context of an IMS match, but think of how cool you look not stooping to their level. We’re all Lumberjacks!

Practicing good teamwork can also help you out in the future when you graduate and are thrust into the work force. Co-workers and bosses are going to make decisions all the time that you don’t agree with and you will just have to deal with it! So you may as well start now.

I hate to revert back to kindergarten, but take this out of the context of sports. Good sportsmanship is treating others how you want to be treated. Try applying the same principals of conduct in a sports game to your daily life. You’ll feel better about yourself and most likely make more friends.

So, until next time take my word and use the golden rule!

Remember, we ARE CLOSED MONDAY for the holiday. Don't fret, we'll be back Tuesday with our regular hours!

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

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