Red Bull: 8.3 serv. (fl. oz)
1 serv. per cont.
27g sugar per serv.
80 mg caffeine per serv.
Monster Energy Assault: 8 serv. (fl. oz)
2 servings per cont.

27g sugar per serv.
80mg caffeine per serv.
Rockstar: 8 serv. (fl. oz)
2 serv. per cont.
30g sugar per serv.
80mg caffeine per serv.
Full Throttle: 8 serv. (fl. oz.)
2 serv. per cont.
29g sugar per serv.
72mg caffeine per serv.
Taurine- claims to lower risk of diabetes, epilepsy, and high blood pressure.
Scientific evidence proves that Taurine shows is an ineffective way to treat diabetes and epilepsy. Studies actually have shown it may lower blood pressure.
Guarana- claims to increase energy, enhances physical performance and promote weight loss.
Scientific evidence proves Gaurana is associated with caffeine. Caffeine has been associated with an increase in energy, enhances physical performance, and suppresses the appetite.
Carnitine- claims to improve endurance and increase metabolism.
Scientific evidence proves that there is no evidentiary support to indicate Carnitine improves endurance and weight loss. Yet, some tests prove that Carnitine can protect the body against heart disease.
Panax Ginseng- claims to speed illness recovery, improve mental and physical performance, controls blood glucose, and lowers blood pressure.
Scientific evidence doesn't support any of these claims.
Research has found that it's safe to consume caffeine after an intense workout. Yet, the safety of consuming energy drinks before, during, or after a workout has yet to be established. The safest way to go is to stick with water.
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