Friday, April 1, 2011

Empowerment tip #20: Empower yourself EMOTIONALLY by inspecting your relationships

Sit back, right now, and think: What are the classic reasons relationships fail?




If you Google “top reasons relationships fail” you will find lists upon lists of reasons for the termination of relationships.

The one element all of these lists have in common is a lack of communication.

Our lives are built on a foundation of people. Our family, friends, co-workers, children, lovers, and what we have with all of these people is a relationship.

But the relationships most commonly misunderstood are romantic relationships.

So I had to wonder, how much effort and thought does the average person put into a relationship? After asking several friends, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is a subject that has been widely debated and contemplated by the majority of people since a young age.

Here are some of the responses that I encountered:

James Mac Donald, married man of 29 years, said, no matter what “seek the best for each other.”

Well that makes sense, isn’t that what love is about, overcoming selfishness and being actively involved with someone else?

Elizabeth Ross, married woman of 7 years, said, whatever you do “don’t go to bed angry, laugh together at least once a day. It makes your relationship fun.”

Laughter is definitely one of the beautiful things about being with others. So why wouldn’t your spouse or significant other make you laugh? Love the quirks in others.

Katie Greene, married woman of 4 years, said, “The most important elements in a relationship are common core beliefs, honesty, fun, and a dogged determination to make it work.”

What struck me most in this quote was the determination to make it ”work.” How is a relationship with a friend or your parents any different from your romantic relationships? Friends are fun but there is always work involved.

Relationships require effort.

And finally,

Stephanie Slaughbough, a college student in a dating relationship, said, “A healthy relationship needs to be a friendship with an electric attraction and excellent communication.”

All of these comments represent people in varies evolving stages in a relationship.

The silver lining of communication is forgiveness. Be sensitive! The fact is people are human, and us human’s have a long history of messing up, a lot.

Use your power of introspection and really look at your relationship be flexible for change, take time to be intimate and nurture your relationship. Be sensitive, make the most of everyday and leave the negativity behind you.

There are always reasons you began a relationship, what were they? Have those reasons multiplied? Evolved?

The only thing I can infer from these comments and my research is that without communication relationships waste away until they are nothing but a shadow that follows you, forgettable and insignificant.

Love with passion and abandon.

Just grindin’ the ax- Liza

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