Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Classically relaxing: Sunrise Yoga

The morning, for some, is a time of exhilaration and expectation, new beginnings, a fresh start, brewing coffee, application of deodorant, clothes, and off you go in the car on the way to work, watching the sun rise.

While for others, the morning looks more like this: *ringringring* you muster the energy to hit snooze, 30 minutes later you drag yourself out of bed only to realize you’re technically an hour behind schedule. In a flurry of panic and adrenaline all the necessary items are shoved into the car, off you go, endangering yourself and everyone else on the road in the mad rush “to be on time.”

I, myself, fall into the second of these categories.

Although I like to consider myself a prepared and put together individual, the reality is I’am as disorganized and spastic as a person can be.

It was about a week ago, as I sped in the Rec Center parking lot that I realized, life doesn’t have to be so haphazard.

Now keep that thought in mind, hold onto that desire for change.

The Rec Center is offering something unusual, Sunrise Yoga.

Spring is here and the weather is delightful.

So join us tomorrow morning, April 7, from 6:15a.m.-7:15a.m. in the courtyard.

And now you’re thinking, wow you must be crazy to consider participating in a 6:15 yoga session. The rebuttal to that exhortation is; that although it will be a challenge to wake up at the six o clock hour, consider how it will affect the rest of your day?

Action can only be initiated by the person acting out.

Just grindin’ the ax- Liza

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