10. CPR/AED/First Aid Professional Rescuer Certification Class
October 16
Noon- 9 p.m.
Register at the Campus Rec Administration Office
If you’re looking to build your resume and expand your professional skills, this is the class for you. Plus, on a personal level, there’s no telling when you may need to step up and be someone’s hero.
9. National Collegiate Awareness Week (NCAAW)
October 26 & 28
4 p.m.-6 p.m. in the Rec Center Lobby
I love this week! Last year, they had me put on “drunk goggles” and try to walk a straight line. After I failed miserably (as expected) I stuck around to watch others try. It was absolutely hilarious; especially when people were cocky and then almost fell on their faces. There was also tons of information and free goodies.
8. Flag Football
Co-Rec registration: August 30-September 1
4- 6 p.m. at the IMS Desk in the Rec Center
Men’s and Women’s registration: September 20-22
11 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the IMS Desk in the Rec Center
Duh! Everyone loves this one. It’s huge! Maybe it’s because everyone can participate. They have men’s, women’s and co-rec! It’s also fun just to be a spectator or dedicated fan for your friends. There’s also a flag football skills competition September 23 4-6 p.m. in case you’re looking for a stage to show off that extra game confidence.
7. 6 vs. 6 Dodgeball with SAA
Register October 11-14 at the IMS Desk in the Rec Center
I have yet to witness this one, but this year I’m not missing it- there’s no way it won’t be entertaining.
6. Lumberjack Floats
August 31 6 p.m.- 7 p.m. Lumberjack Village Community Center
September 1 6 p.m.- 7 p.m. Steen Front Door
September 2 1 p.m.- 2 p.m. Kampus Books
Outdoor Pursuits loves to feed people and this is a prime example. In typical OP fashion, they will be OUTSIDE of the Village, Steen and Kampus Books serving FREE ice cream floats. They will also have information available about their upcoming events this fall including my next pick…
5. Thanksgiving Horse Packing in the Hill Country
Register by November 17 in the Outdoor Pursuits Office
I used to horseback ride all the time but ironically since I have lived in Texas (seven years), I haven’t been! You would think moving to the South would result in more horses. Anyway, there’s nothing like it.
4. Summer Loving
September 1
4 p.m. -7 p.m. at the Rec Center Courtyard & Pool
Did you say free food? All I have to do is show up? Yeah I’m there. Hey don’t judge me I’m in college! There will also be music and prizes if that makes a difference.
3. Job Fair
November 6
3 p.m. -6 p.m. in the Rec Center Lobby
Gotta give it up to this one- it’s how I got my job! Come to the Rec wearing business casual clothes and have a preliminary interview with a Campus Rec GA. If you fit the needed job description, you get to the next round for a more professional interview with the director of the program area that interests you the most. Just like that you could have a job with quite possibly your favorite spot on campus.
2. Men’s and Women’s Basketball
Registration: December 6-8
11 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the IMS Desk in the Rec Center
It’s no secret that basketball is my favorite sport. This is actually a spring event, but registration takes place in the fall so don’t forget to get your team together and sign up!
1. Women on Weights
Registration: September 20-21
4 p.m.-6 p.m. in the Rec Center Lobby
This is my top event because most women I know (myself included) want to workout more but are bored with the same routine, have little time, or just simply don’t know what to do. This event will solve all of your problems. It will force you to come to the gym four weeks in a row and help you customize your workout! Amazing right?
For a complete fall program guide, visit our website at www.sfasu.edu/campusrec
Click “Flyers and Publications” and then “Fall Program Guide.”
See you this fall!
YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph
love the new flyer!