You don’t have to be a Brit to play on SFA’s 2009-2010 state champion rugby team (although I am very fond of trying to sound like one). All you have to do is come out to the field and show heart.
I went to a pre-season practice on the Intramural Fields on Wednesday to watch our champions in action.
A rugby match requires 15 players on each team and lasts 80 minutes, which is why the team is always looking to train new members.
Beginning this fall, SFA plans to “grow the game locally,” according to coach Pat Kuhns. Students from Nacogdoches High School will be allowed to practice with the big boys and compete with other high school teams. This will not only give SFA Rugby community service credit, but will increase the experience level of student athletes transitioning from high school to college, and hopefully make them want to enroll at SFA! The high school team will be called SFA Colts.
Speaking of growing, SFA Rugby hopes to expand even further by adding a women’s team. Other universities in our division already have them, so finding competition won’t be a problem. I went to the “SFA Rugby Girls Team” facebook group, and 23 girls have already joined! Looks like a promising number to start up a team this season.
Another way to participate is by becoming a Rugby Lil Sis. This type of program started years ago as a support group for ruggers, made up of their wives and girlfriends. Today, anyone can join! It’s a great way to get involved on campus, and meet new people- especially if you love sports but don’t necessarily want to play. The Lil Sis’ are dedicated fans, as well as managers for the guys.
SFA Rugby is chalk full of tradition, but perhaps the greatest comes every November and is known as Rugby Fest. Teams from all over come to compete in a tournament hosted by SFA. “Everyone collegiate-wise wants to come to Rugby Fest because it’s a really good time and a really good tournament,” said Philip “Crash” Hughes.
One thing that makes rugby unique from other sports is that after every match there is a social. The home team takes the visiting team out for food and drinks. Some universities even have restaurants that sponsor these socials in exchange for loyalty to their business. In most sports the losers are reluctant to even shake hands with the winners, let alone hang out with them. What a positive tradition!
Another thing the rugby team is interested in is building a fan base. They loved the support they received in the championship match this year, so lets keep it up! Here is the 2010-2011 schedule:
Sat. Sept. 18 - @ SHSU
Sat. Sept. 25 - Open
Sat. Oct. 2 - vs. University of Houston
Sat. Oct. 9 - Alumni
Sat. Oct. 16 - Cup Match vs. ASU
Sat. Oct. 23 - vs. U of D - Founder's Cup
Sat. Oct. 30 -Cup Match @ U of D
Sat. Nov. 6 - @ University of Texas
Sat. Nov. 13 - Rugbyfest
Sat. Nov. 20 - Cup Match vs. UNT
Sat. Nov. 28 - Thanksgiving Break
Sat. Dec. 4 - Cup Match @ Rice
Sat. Jan. 29 - SFA High School Tournament
Sat. Feb.5 - Cup Match vs. TCU
Sat. Feb. 12 - Cup Match Bye Week
Sat. Feb. 19 - Cup Match @ Baylor
I was getting coffee at Java Jacks and the barista (If they use that term at JJ) saw my SFA Rugby shirt and said that she was a former soccer player (out of eligibility) but liked Rugby and spent some time in New Zealand (and no, she did not know Holley G!). Told her to come by to practice and help start a woman's side. Small world!