Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome Back for Fall 2011!

Hello Campus Recreation! Long time, no talk. I hope everyone had a great summer and is ready to dive into Fall 2011 full force.

New school year, new you right? If you are looking for ways to improve your life this semester, you have come to the right place. I will be posting once weekly with health advice, fitness tips and any other great ideas or funny stories I stumble upon. SO whether you are new to campus or you think you’ve got the college thing down, I hope to become a helpful resource.

Top Five Ways to be Successful this Semester:

5. Go to class. This may seem redundant, but I promise you will see results. In my experience, Must professors are concerned about much more than what you made on your mid-term. They care that you are actively learning and taking chargeof your education. So, wake up and smell the coffee! See you in class.

4. Stay organized.

Don’t be ashamed to care about your life. Go ahead and buy yourself a planner, or at least use your smart phone calendar. Don’t forget that college is hard! It’s OK to make lists and write down everything that must be done.

3. Look for ways to expand your skill set and further you in the direction of your chosen career path. Maybe for you it’s asking questions in class that you would normally shy away from. Or maybe it’s seeking a mentor in the field, or applying for related jobs and internships. Whatever works for you DO IT. If you apply yourself while you are in college, you will be ahead of competitors when you are out of college. Plus, SFA has too many resources not to use them. Try SFA Career services, Counseling Services, Student Activities Association, the Ralph Steen Library, or check out one of the many student organizations on campus. The opportunities here are endless.

2. Laugh. I cannot stress this one enough. Like I said: COLLEGE IS HARD. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with positive people that you can always count on a good laugh with. It’s the most natural and easy stress reliever!

1. Come to the Student Rec Center and get some exercise. Talk about endless opportunities! If you have an image of the Rec Center as a place to merely lift weights or run, please think again! The Rec Center offers Group Exercise classes four days a week, Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs, Wellness programs, including professional massages, and even an Outdoor Pursuits program area to take you on adventures! Don’t forget about Aquatics and the TWO pools you have access to (Rec and HPE). And if you are looking to change up your workout while staying indoors, don’t forget about the 34-foot rock wall managed by Outdoor Pursuits and the two upstairs racquetball courts.As an SFA student, you also have access to the HPE gym and other workout areas!

Time-challenged this semester? Here’s a tip:

Plan a physical activity around your schedule. Last week I knew I had an extra hour so I came to Campus Rec and took Yogaloties taught by Samantha Walker. She fused a perfect combination of both art forms accompanied by an engaging and intense soundtrack.

And you know what? It took away all of my first week gitters! I felt great and slept great that night.Where can you find all the information you need to

get going? The Rec Center of course! Printed publications can be found at the Welcome Desk kiosk, or in the Admin Office. Most current and updated information can be found at the Campus Rec website: www.sfasu.edu/campusrec so check there often! Also, here is a link to the Fall 2011 electronic only program guide which can always be found on the website: http://issuu.com/sfacampusrec/docs/fall_2011_program_guide.

Next week I will investigate vitamins. Which kind is right for YOU?

Until then,

YOUR ticket to Campus Rec- Steph

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