The Chosen Edge
Every human experiences the eagerness of being seen and
accepted by the opposite sex. I call this phenomenon The Get Chosen
Theory or as Bernard Ambe (senior) calls it, “Tryin to get chose.” College
students are prime examples of this theory. At the beginning of every year,
students of all classifications make their way to the Rec Center in hopes of
increasing their chances of being selected by a special someone by working out
and getting fit.
“That’s why you see a spike of Rec Center usage at the beginning
of the year, because of the get chose theory.” Bernard Ambe (Senior)
William Blanchette (Jumior) states, “Everyone does it, both men and women”
“I see it a lot, they [guys] stare hard at you too,” says Janie
Nieto (Junior)
Although in some cases The Get Chosen Theory may lead to
creeper-like behavior, in many cases this willingness to work out for a better
body has proven to be beneficial. To help give you the edge you need to succeed,
I’ve gathered a list of great ab exercises to get you started.
1.) The
most effective ab exercise starts with the bicycle, the best move for working the
rectus abdominis commonly know as the “six-pack” and the obliques (the waist).
2.) The
vertical leg crunch is another great workout for your abs and your obliques.
It's similar to a regular crunch, but your legs are straight up in the air,
forcing you to use your abs to do all the work and adding intensity to the work
3.) The
reverse crunch is another effective ab exercise. With this move, you're curling
the hips off the ground, so you'll feel this in the lower part of your abs. Try
to avoid swinging your legs to raise your hips. It’s a subtle move, so only lift
your hips a few inches off the ground.

Ab workouts alone will not give you the perfect body. You need a good balance of diet and exercise and order to fully realize that body you crave for. Another point to understand is that there is no such thing as one spot reduction. You have to work out all areas of your body in order to see change. Hopefully with these exercises and tips, you will have the fighting
edge to “Get Chose.”
- The News Reel from yo boy D.Hill
Ab exercise ideas and photos by
Top 10 Most Effective Ab Exercises
By Paige Waehner, Guide
Updated July 20, 2011
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