Well, it’s the middle of October and we all know what that means….MIDTERMS!!!!!!!!!!!! This can be one of the most stressful times in a college student’s career, besides finals. The funny thing is that everyone reacts to stress differently.
According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of stress can range from headaches, to chest pain, fatigue, upset stomach, insomnia, overeating, under-eating, and much more. I personally can get so stressed out with school that I can’t eat without feeling like I’m going to throw up.
Fortunately, even with the numerous effects that stress can have on the body, there are a few simple tricks to manage your symptoms. Web MD offers a lot of tips for stress reduction. A few of these have to do with attitude. Keeping a positive attitude and accepting that you can’t change/fix everything can go along way to improve stress. However, one of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to just relax.
Easier said than done I know. But this is where the SFA Student Recreation Center can help. We have a full time, licensed massage therapist, Therese Hostetter, on staff ready to help you reduce your stress. Who doesn’t feel relaxed after a good massage? And the best part is you don’t have to be a member at Campus Rec to get a massage.
Not only does getting a massage relieve your stress, it is very beneficial to your health. Massaging reduces built up lactic and carbonic acid in the muscle, which causes cramping. Massaging also improves circulation and increases the number of red blood cells in your system, which can help people like me who have anemia feel better. Plus, if you don’t have that much time to work out, massages can help improve muscle tone and prevent muscle atrophy.
To make an appointment to get a massage please call the Campus Rec Wellness Service Center at (936) 468-3507. Prices vary depending on the length of your appointment. For more information, please visit our website at www.sfasu.edu/campusrec.
Your Ticket to Stress Relief - Erin
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