Friday, September 16, 2011

Which vitamins are right for YOU?

Vitamins are one of those subjects that frustrate me in life. There are so many different kinds! I know they are important, but how am I supposed to know which ones are right for me?

Throughout my life, I have received a variety of suggestions--most of which are pictured on the right. I have been recommended Vitamin B for energy, extra Iron for womanly blood loss, and Zinc to prevent infections and illnesses. But if I take three, plus a multivitamin, I get sick to my stomach.

And when I Google "vitamins" to find information, I am bombarded by ads from drug companies.

So, I set out to get through the clutter and find some answers once and for all.

Campus Recreation graduate assistant and personal trainer Steve Dooling says college students should at least take a daily multivitamin.

OK. One pill a day, I can do that.

However, according to the National Institutes of Health there are no FDA standards for which vitamins must be contained in a multi. So how do I know what to look for?

According to Jane Higdon, LPI research associate at Oregon State University, an expensive name brand does not always mean a quality product.

On her website ( she states:

“The nutrients found in standard multivitamin supplements play important roles in preventing chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. A daily multivitamin supplement ensures an adequate intake of several micronutrients that are not always present in the diet in optimal amounts”

Prevents caner? Sounds good to me!

Hidgeon says to look for a multivitamin containing the following:

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin E






Great! Now I can go to the store with some knowledge, and finally make an informed decision for my optimal physical health.

Happy Friday Campus Recreation!

YOUR ticket to Campus Rec- Steph

1 comment:

  1. Vitamins are vital in human nutrition but for the most part cannot be manufactured by your body. Therefore, you have to get vitamins from a healthy diet. Vitamins actually work as essential co-factors for properly regulating your body's metabolic reactions and biochemical processes.

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