Hey Lumberjacks! I hope you are making it through the first round of fall tests in one piece. I can always tell when it’s this time of year because people start wearing pajamas to class.
I’d like to propose a question. As your to-do list increases are you taking care of yourself? Or, are you letting yourself go in order to fulfill other needs?
I am guilty of putting other needs first lately, so I thought it would be a good time to give my fellow ‘Jacks a reminder.
One way that people tend to neglect their physical health is by going on fast food binges in stressful times. I could never tell anyone not to do this, because that would make me a hypocrite. I am however going to share a little secret my mom told me about. It’s called Eat This Not That! by David Zinczenko.
The genius in this book is that it tells the truth. Unlike the South Beach Diet, or Weight Watchers, Zinczenko is willing to acknowledge that Americans, especially in their twenties, will consume an abundance of fast food.
One way you can regain control of your wellness is by modeling the book and taking a few more minutes to decide what to eat. Just because fast food seems to be the most reasonable option, doesn’t mean that you have to get the worst thing on the menu.
Here is a calorie, fat and overall badness grading scale Zinczenko outlines:
A+ Chick-Fil-A -Not a single sandwich breaks the 500-calorie barrier.
A Subway -An impressive selection of 6-inch sandwiches with less than 400 calories each.
A- Boston Market -Its expansive menu of healthy sides and nutritionally reasonable three-piece chicken meals gives diners plenty of choices.
B+ Taco Bell -It's okay to "make a run for the border," as long as you limit yourself to just two tacos or a single burrito.
B Wendy's -Although calorically comparable to McDonald's, Wendy's edges out the Arches with less trans fat and a range of healthy sides.
B- McDonald's -Burgers are reasonable, but others, like pancake platters, send McDonald's numbers soaring.
C+ KFC -It's hard to have "fried" in your name and still make a decent grade. To halve
calories, order your chicken without skin.
C- Arby's -The array of sandwiches suffers from an abundance of creamy dressings,
spreads, and melted cheese sauce.
C- Burger King – Thousand calorie plus burgers like the Quad Stacker give this chain a
below-average score.
WOW! Chick-Fil-A is above Subway! Amazing.
This information is out there. It’s just a matter of taking the time to look or ask about it.
Think about YOU this weekend Lumberjacks. Make sure you are getting adequate rest, exercise and nutrients.
YOUR ticket to Campus Rec- Steph