Friday, September 24, 2010

Empowerment Tip #4: Empower yourself INTELLECTUALLY by practicing good time management.

OK, I know this can be difficult. You want to enjoy your time in college, and do as much as you can but still make good grades, right? It can be done.

The first step is eliminating procrastination. I know you’ve heard this 1,000 times, but it really works! Make a list and number things according to priority.

SFA’s library offers a tutoring program located on the first floor called the AARC. At the beginning of each semester, you can sign up for a one on one tutor in a class you anticipate you will need help with. Even when those spots fill up, it’s not too late. The AARC is sectioned off into subject areas with several tutors for each. No appointment necessary. The walk-in hours are as follows:

(provided by the SFA Business Honor Society)

Tuesday, Wednesday 1:00 - 3:00pm


Sunday - Thursday 5:00 - 8:00pm

Computer Science

CSC 101,102 McGee Computer LabMonday - Thursday 5:30 - 8:00pm


Monday, Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00pm


Language LabMonday - Thursday 5:00 - 6:00pm


Monday - Thursday 1:00 - 8:00pmSunday 4:00 - 8:00pm


Tuesday - Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00pm


Monday - Thursday 6:00 - 8:00pm

Writing & English

Monday - Thursday 1:00 - 8:00pmSunday 4:00 - 8:00pm

American Sign Language

Monday, Wednesday 3:00 - 5:00pmTuesday 4:00 - 5:00pm

Visit there website at for more information.

Also, if your class offers an SI group, GO TO IT! The biggest mistake you can make when learning to manage your time and limit stress is to be OK with not understanding something. Actively seek answers to your questions. Don’t be afraid to sit in the front of the class and show the professor that you care. Remember, this is college, and smart is cool now.

As always don’t forget to get exercise at Campus Rec. I know you probably have so much to do that even thinking about going to the gym seems out of the question, but physical activity will reduce your stress level! Try a study break with a friend and take a group exercise class. The two of you will laugh while working out (both of which build endorphins) and come out of the class feeling rejuvenated and ready to hit the books again. The group exercise schedule is on our website at

I have never felt worse than when I let things pile up, so I hope you will consider taking my advice!

Also, due to scheduling issues, I will now post on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS instead of Tuesdays and Thursdays.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

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