1.) Float it
The pool is a great stress reliever. You can literally float
your stress away in the lazy river. It’s the one place where being lazy is a
good thing.
When you’ve had a stressful day, it’s not a bad
idea to pump some iron. Working out (no Group X after today) helps
release built up negative energy. For some people, it energizes them and gets
them ready to sit and study.
3.) Massage it away
Massages are a great way to relax and relieve
stress. All the lactic acid from stress simply gets rubbed away. But don’t
forget, all massage appointments have to be scheduled 24 hours in advance.
4.) Hit the stress
Another great way to relieve stress is to get hit something!
The Rec and the HPE both have Racquetball courts. Just simply check out
racquets at the check-in desk. If you’re looking for something to hit outside,
you can check out tennis racquets and play tennis at the Tennis Complex right
next to the Rec.
Hopefully with these tips, you will survive the Dead/Finals
weeks. It always helps if you stay optimistic. A good attitude is half the
battle. Besides, it’s just one week. It’ll be over before you know it.
-Just a thought from Dev. Hill