Friday, October 29, 2010

Empowerment Tip #9: Empower yourself PHYSICALLY by having a safe Homecoming and Halloween weekend.

I’m going get straight to the point here. I know it’s an exiting weekend- I’m excited too! There’s a lot going on at SFA. There’s the bonfire, Homecoming Parade, Lumberjack Fun Run, FLW Fishing Festival and Tournament and of course the Football game against Texas State!

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement and forget to think about your physical safety. Not thinking about safety first is an easily formed bad habit. So I wanted to remind you that life can change in an instant. If you’re going to be drinking, make sure you have a designated driver or call Driving Jacks at (936) 652-6600. It’s a small decision that can make a huge difference in your life and the lives of others.

If you’re looking for an alternative way to celebrate the holiday, Campus Rec is here to help.

Campus Rec’s Outdoor Pursuits program is hosting a Halloween event that will allow you to properly celebrate the holiday while getting your physical exercise in at the same time! It’s called Midnight Fright, and this year will be OP's third straight year to host it.

On Sunday, October 31, from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. OP invites you to wear your costume on the rock wall. The lights will be turned off and you will have only glow sticks to guide you. There will also be games, scary movies, food and costume contests!

I know you probably hear stuff like this all the time from your parents or other superiors. “Don’t drink and drive!” or something along those lines. But it’s time to stop tuning everyone out and get smart. It’s your life. Only you can control your own destiny. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to be around for a while!

Happy Homecoming and Halloween Lumberjacks! Be smart this weekend!

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Come out to the FLW College Fishing Festival and Texas Regional Championship!

Thursday, October 28, through Saturday, October 30, SFA will host the FLW College Fishing Festival and Texas Regional Championship. SFA Bass Club members Blaze Platt and Ryan Watkins will join 19 other qualifying collegiate teams competing for the regional champion title, including teams from Texas A&M, Baylor, the University of Oklahoma and North Texas.

In order to qualify for the regional tournament, a team had to place in the top five in one of four events last spring. Platt and Watkins qualified twice.

Thursday and Friday at 7:30 a.m. the first and second rounds of fishing will begin at Lake Sam Rayburn aka “Big Sam.” The festival will begin at 2 p.m. at the Ag Pond when the boys bring back their fish for the weigh-in. Each partner can enter three fish, the bigger the better. A live recording of the weigh-in will be broadcast on The competition will then switch gears to a celebration at Lumberjack Alley with games and prizes. Attendance for both the weigh-in and festival are free to the public.

Saturday will mark the final round of fishing with the top five teams left in the competition. While the teams are still fishing, the festival will continue at Lumberjack Ally before the SFA Homecoming football game against Texas State. From 11 a.m. to 2 pm. there will be free t-shirts, tailgate games, Sports Zone Contests, the National Guard Warrior Challenge and live music from the Darby Ledbetter band. At 5 p.m. will be the final weigh-in at the Ag Pond and there will be free pizza for spectators.

First place will advance to nationals as well as win a new boat and scholarship money.

Watkins feels confident rather than nervous going into Thursday’s competition at his home lake. “The way I look at it I’ll either be the zero or the hero. It’s like how in baseball you can either swing for a base hit or a home run. The techniques and equipment we’re going to be using are primarily to catch big fish,” he said.

Watkins explained how he would rather take a chance on catching less fish, and in doing so hopefully catch a few big ones that will get him the win. For him, it’s all about quality over quantity.

“It’s more than luck,” said Bass Club Treasure, Zach Brown. “It’s all about consistency and knowing where to fish and when to fish.”

The fishermen were allowed to start scoping out the lake Wednesday, October 27 (one day prior to competition). This will help the competitors locate fish and help them predict where the fish might move pending weather changes.

Watkins says he will definitely take advantage of the water being open before competition.

SFA Bass Club began in 1994, and nationally ranked in the top ten for the past four years.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Friday, October 22, 2010

Empowerment Tip #8: Empower your SPIRIT by bleeding purple this week.

If your Lumberjack pride is lacking, this is the week to make it up. After the highly anticipated Battle of the Piney Woods at Reliant Stadium this Saturday, SFA has a fun-filled homecoming week in store for you.

In honor of homecoming, Campus Rec is hosting a tie-dye event intended to re-color your sprit. Just show up Wednesday, October 27 from 3- p.m. in the Rec Center Courtyard and receive a FREE t-shirt to tie dye purple and red.

The Rec, partnered with the SFA Alumni Association is hosting the first ever Lumberjack Homecoming 5k run and walk. The run will take place Saturday, October 30. Runners will start at 8 a.m. and walkers will start at 8: 10 a.m. (so you’ll still have plenty of time to tailgate before the football game at 2 p.m. against Texas State). All proceeds from the event will benefit the Dr. Raymond Lee Washman Scholarship Fund.

Pre-Register (before October 25)
Students: $10
Faculty/Staff/Alumni Member: $20
Community: $25 Cost

On-Site Register
Students: $10
Faculty/Staff/Alumni Member: $25
Community: $30

Registration forms are available at the Rec, or online at

If you can’t make it out to the SFA Football game this weekend, come out to the intramural fields on Saturday, October 23 to watch Rugby Sport Club take on the University of Dallas at 2 p.m. and Men’s Club Soccer take on Angelo State University at 3 p.m.

Come early, be loud, stay late…bleed purple!

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

NCAAW week 2010

This week is National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW) and Campus Rec is proud to join over 1,000 colleges in America in spreading the word.

The idea behind NCAAW is to inform college students of the dangers of drinking behavior.

Information available during the week covers health, financial, legal and emotional consequences of alcohol.

Yesterday, Campus Rec Wellness, members of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity and Jack 2 Jack set up information tables in the Rec Center.

In 2007, TKE lost pledge member Nikolas Gallegos in an alcohol related accident. Instead of hiding from the incident, the fraternity now takes a stand for alcohol awareness, appearing at campus events in remembrance of Gallegos.

Jack 2 Jack, is a recently re-activated organization whose goal is to prevent wasted dreams through peer education. Although alcohol isn’t the only thing on their agenda, it does rank high on their priority list because of how many college students are affected by it.

This year SFA Homecoming is the same weekend as Halloween and both are considered high-risk times for college drinking. Patrons entering the Rec were asked to sign either a pledge to have a designated driver or a pledge to be one. “Drunk goggles” were available for patrons to put on and gain a better understanding of what their vision is really like when they are under the influence of alcohol.

I watched several people put on the goggles and stumble so badly that they ran into walls. They were all shocked at how impaired their vision was. After putting on the goggles, they seemed eager to sign a pledge.

Both Campus Rec Wellness and University Police provided brochures for people to take with them and read the harsh realities on their own time.

One fact that particularly shocked me was that drunk driving kills about 15,000 people a year. Alcohol use is involved in half of murders, accidental deaths and suicides.

If any of this information interests you, it will be available again tomorrow, October 21, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Rec Center Lobby.

If you are interested in Jack 2 Jack, their next meeting is Thursday, October 28 at 5:30 p.m. in Rusk 333. For more information, you can also e-mail them at

Awareness is the first step to prevention.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Friday, October 15, 2010

Empowerment Tip #7: Empower youself EMOTIONALLY by taking "me" time.

Yesterday when I was working out, something hit me.

I entered the Rec and walked over to an elliptical in my usual spot upstairs facing the pool. I had three things in my hand: water bottle, ipod and cell phone. As I was running on the elliptical I did not refrain from answering text messages. In fact, I almost never do. When I had three different conversations going I thought to myself, “Steph, this is ridiculous!”

I came to the Rec to work out and spend some time on myself. Even though I didn’t come with anyone and was physically alone, my mind was still on other people and my text message conversations. Defeats the purpose, right?

When I was done on the elliptical, I decided to put my phone in my backpack and run a few laps. The sense of freedom I felt in 10 minutes on the track without my cell phone was unbelievable.

I continued the rest of my workout with out it.

Look, I don’t want to be thought of as a technophobic who would rather write letters and hates the internet. I love technology. I live a fast-paced life and I love any advances that make things easier.

All I’m saying is, if you never take your mind off of everything around you, when is there time for you? Maybe people need to start making personal limits on the amount of time a day they will be available via text, e-mail, facebook etc. What’s so scary about taking an hour to ourselves a day?

When I left the Rec I felt refreshed physically from my workout and emotionally because I had time COMPLETLEY to myself. I hardly even touched my phone the rest of the night.

Just something to think about.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nac Bash 2010!

Saturday, SFA Skateboarding Club hosted Nac Bash 2010, “a milestone for collegiate skateboarding,” said Communications and Marketing skateboarding officer, Michael Wilson.

The race was the largest ever in Texas and the first race in the state to include an organized women’s division.

Besides a women’s division, there was also a beginner and expert class. A total of 74 racers competed, which is one less than the IGSA North American Championships last year.

The 74 skaters were made up of Texas A&M's Avante Guard, SLAB, Houston Garage Riders, Team Impact, Carve, Bombsquad, C-ment and independent riders from as far away as Tulsa, Oklahoma!

The event was so huge it even attracted Redbull, who set up tables, umbrellas and coolers. The Redbull girls, a.k.a. the "Wings Team" also showed up for the fun.

Here were the final results:

Expert Winners

1. Brian "Chubs" Cortright (Houston Garage Riders) - $400

2. Dylan Greenbacker (Texas Baked) - $300

3. Dustin Dixon (Bombsquad Longboarding) - $200

SFA’s Skateboarding Club President, Clifton Ellis, took 7th!


1. Courtney Dixon (Bombsquad Longboarding) - $100

2. Ingrid Vanderholt

3. Sarah (C-Ment)

4. Katherine Timeaus (SFASU)


1. Grant Freeman (Zang) - Brand New Arbor Deck

“Our team was ecstatic to host a monumental race that could facilitate competitive riding amongst some of the most talented speed boarders in Texas. Our goal from the start was to encourage growth on the Texas longboard scene, and I can undoubtedly say we more than surpassed the goals we set for ourselves,” said Ellis.

Team Impact from Conroe, Texas put together a video of the event!

SFA is currently working on its own video and will have it up very soon.

For more information on SFA Skateboarding refer to my August blog, “Ride with SFA.”

For more information on SFA Sport Clubs in general, visit the Campus Rec Sport Club webpage at

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Friday, October 8, 2010

Empowerment Tip #6: Empower yourself SPIRTUALLY by participating in the Lumberjack Fun Run.

Now that the Step it Out Challenge has come to an end, I feel like I have made some solid changes in my habits. I am consciously taking more steps a day, and am aware of how much exercise I am getting. I know that if I cannot find time to work out in the Rec Center, that walking more is a good alternative.

Why not take this walking challenge one step further and do something that will benefit myself AND others?

The Lumberjack Homecoming Fun Run is a first for Campus Recreation. We have teamed up with the SFA Alumni Association to create a 5k event that’s proceeds will benefit the Dr. Raymond Lee Worsham scholarship fund.

Here is some information on the race:

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Runners: 8 a.m.
Walkers: 8:10 a.m.

Pre-Register (before October 25)
Students: $10
Faculty/Staff/Alumni Member: $20
Community: $25 Cost

On-Site Register
Students: $10
Faculty/Staff/Alumni Member: $25
Community: $30

There are even prizes!

1st and 2nd place: Men's (Associates of SFA)
1st and 2nd place: Women's (Associates of SFA)

1st and 2nd place: Men's (Non-associates of SFA)
1st and 2nd place: Women's (Non-associates of SFA)

1st and 2nd overall: Guess your best time
1st and 2nd overall: Largest group participation
1st and 2nd overall: Best homecoming-themed outfit (theme: Hollywood)

For a registration form visit the Administration Office at the Rec, or download a registration form at

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October is here!

October is here, and Campus Rec refuses to cool down like the weather.

Rugby won their first home game against the University of Houston 23-3. Having dropped a non-division game to Sam Houston, the ruggers are now 1-1 overall. The team will take the home stage again Saturday at 2 p.m. for their traditional alumni game. Trust me, these old ruggers still have it in ‘em so it won’t be anything short of a great game. Hope to see you out there!

SAA and Campus Recreation are at it again for a sand volleyball tournament you won’t want to miss. It’s four on four and will take place on the outdoor volleyball courts at the Rec Center. If you haven’t gotten a team together do it ASAP because registration closes tomorrow! Register in the SAA office in the student center (BPSC 3.305). If you don’t end up on a team, you should still come out and show your friends support. The weather should be a phenomenal 83 degrees, this means it’s a great day to chill outside.

SFA Skateboarding Club will be hosting Nac Bash for 2010, “a milestone for collegiate skateboarding,” said Communications and Marketing officer, Micheal Wilson. Nac Bash is a longboarding race with approximately 50 riders competing from across the state of Texas including schools like A&M, UTSA, and Baylor. There will also be Regional Teams like Bombsquad from Dallas, SLAB from San Antonio, HGR (Houston Garage Riders), and individual entries. Nac Bash is one of the largest longboarding events in Texas, and there will be three classes: women’s, beginner, and expert. Registration starts at 9 a.m. at Nacogdoches High School, and there will be a shuttle bus to race site at 11 a.m. Go SFA Skate!

Women’s Club Soccer (3-2) is off to a promising start with wins against San Antonio, UTA and Lamar. Men’s Club Soccer is struggling a bit but has faced tough teams such as Texas Tech, A&M and SMU. Their next home game will be October 23 at 3 p.m. against Angelo State University.

If you haven’t been able to get over here much this semester, now is a great time! The rest of October is cram packed with events, whether it’s Sport Clubs, Fitness and Wellness, Intramural Sports, or Outdoor Pursuits. So get in here and have some fun!

As always, for more information, visit our website at rec, or call the Admin Office at 936-468-3507.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph

Friday, October 1, 2010

Empowerment Tip #5: empower yourself FINANCIALLY by managing your money.

Credit cards are a college student’s bear trap. My advice is to prevent forming the habit all together. Try to look at it as negative money rather than free money. If you start adding up the amount of negative money you will have in your head, than maybe you will resist the urge. Also, I don’t disagree with filling out an application so you can get free food, but just make sure you cut up the card when you get it in the mail! And never sign anything you don’t understand.

Try writing down how much you are spending. Look at budgeting as a reward system rather than punishment. If you avoid impulse buys you will end up with only the things you actually want and need rather than something that you’ll end up regretting. If you need to make a big purchase, try saving money instead of spending what you don’t have. That way, when you do make the purchase you will feel accomplished instead of worrying about the money you spent.

Make lists and weed out the things you don’t need urgently. If I don’t have a list when I walk into Wal-Mart, it is never good for my bank account. I end up throwing things in the cart that I don’t need at all. On the other hand, when I am prepared, I make my purchases and still have money left over. This may result in more trips to the store, but that’s just a fact you’re going to have to face until you get settled into a career with steady money!

That’s another thing. I know my current financial situation isn’t forever, and that’s what keeps me going sometimes. Remind yourself that you’re in college. You’re suppose to be struggling. Think about some of the things you have started to accept as balanced meals. Ramen noodles? Cereal? It’s actually pretty funny. And knowing that you will be able to have nicer things some day should put a smile on your face. At the end of the day, the reason you are here is to better yourself for the future.

If you build good habits now, the chances you will have financial success in the later in life will be much greater.

YOUR inside connection to Campus Rec- Steph